
Our core investment focus is to preserve capital and grow wealth.  We have been investing in the Midwest since 2006 because Midwestern markets offer stability and attractive current cash flows along with the ability  to generate meaningful capital appreciation with less risk. We have a long-term investment horizon, and this allows us to grow  wealth in a highly tax-advantaged manner.



We align interests by co-investing meaningfully in every asset we purchase, by minimizing fees, and by subordinating our economic interests to those of our partners. In addition, we are vertically integrated. This  means we have fully developed internal asset management and property management capabilities, and we commit these capabilities to maximize the value each asset. By aligning our capital and management platform alongside those of our investment partners, we  can maximize  opportunities to achieve superior financial returns.


We seek to add value. Successful value-add investing requires the ability to identify  assets that are under performing their peer group due to inexperienced ownership, poorly capitalized ownership, management fatigue and/or deferred cosmetic maintenance. Any of these conditions can create opportunities to acquire assets at prices below their true intrinsic value. Most important, we know that  our purchase price  is the one thing we cannot fix after closing. Accordingly, we employ highly conservative underwriting and  valuation techniques when acquiring and financing the assets we purchase.


We invest carefully in accretive interior and exterior upgrades  to grow durable cash flows over time. By growing enduring cash flows over time, we can create the potential for meaningful capital appreciation.

Our partners favor longer hold periods because this reduces investment drag from taxes. For this reason, we strive to return capital and profits through the distribution of refinancing proceeds rather than from an outright sale. Returning capital & profits from refinancing proceeds is far more efficient from a tax perspective because income from sales proceeds generates an immediate tax liability, whereas income from refinancing proceeds is tax deferred.



We invest in the communities we serve. We do this by implementing extensive, multi-year capital improvement programs in each property, thereby improving the quality of local housing opportunities. We also make local investments in support of the following three key themes:

  • Education
  • Employment   Assistance
  • Health & Well-being

We support these three key themes at the property level by organizing and leading local initiatives such as annual back-to-school supply drives and annual holiday toy drives. At the corporate level we provide support through annual investments in  local community organizations like Cincinnati Works and GeneroCity 513 in Cincinnati,  Junior Achievement  in Southwest Ohio, and the Foundation for Youth in Columbus, Indiana.

Fox Pointe
Fox Pointe
Chimney Hill
Chimney Hill
Kensington Ridge Apartments
Kensington Ridge